Thanks to generous donations, over 20 of the Illinois Department of Transportation 3 Foot Passing signs have been placed in locations around Champaign County including Savoy, Mahomet, Champaign County Forest Preserves, and Tolono Township. An additional purchase of 40 signs recently arrived for use in Champaign, Urbana, and surrounding Villages and Townships.
CCB, consulting with Ride Illinois, has raised funds for standard IDOT 3 Foot Passing Signs designated R4-I102. These correspond to the language in State statute 625 ILCS 5/11-703 concerning the overtaking by motorists of a bicycle or individual proceeding in the same direction. Our purpose is to avoid another tragedy (three bicyclists killed since 2018 in Champaign County) by educating motorists and encouraging active transportation (which increased during the pandemic).

Donors, interested bicyclists, community members, and agency staff have suggested locations for signs. From these, CCB identified a number of potential locations where we think signs could be placed in Champaign and Urbana; immediately outside these cities; on a county road; and on a state road. Verification of suggested locations is based on heat map data of bicycle travel (from two different aggregators – RideWithGPS and Strava) and consideration of placement where vehicles will see the signs at or before they come upon frequently used bike routes, in conjunction with road changes, infrastructure transition, higher speeds, and city limits. According to IDOT, installation should be based on engineering judgment and should not be installed indiscriminately so as to maintain sign effectiveness.
Working with Champaign County, IDOT, and Urbana Township, we have already delivered some of the additional signs to IDOT for Hwy 49 near Homer Lake north of Homer, to Champaign County for Homer Lake Road, and to Urbana Township for several locations just outside of Urbana city limits. CCB’s donors provide the signs in return for the governmental unit providing the pole and labor to get them placed in appropriate locations. We have submitted suggested locations to both the City of Champaign and City of Urbana and have signs reserved for them!