A gallery of 3-foot passing* signs in Champaign County.
Eastbound at I57 and Church Street, Savoy Westbound at I57 and Church Street, Savoy Southbound First Street between Windsor and Curtis Northbound First Street between Windsor and Curtis Homer Lake Entrance Lake of the Woods, Covered Bridge CCFPD Middlefork Preserve Lake of the Woods
*The Illinois 3-foot passing law (Chapter 625, 11-703, Overtaking a vehicle on the left) states that “The operator of a motor vehicle overtaking a bicycle or individual proceeding in the same direction on a highway shall leave a safe distance, but not less than 3 feet, when passing the bicycle or individual and shall maintain that distance until safely past the overtaken bicycle or individual; (e) A person driving a motor vehicle shall not, in a reckless manner, drive the motor vehicle unnecessarily close to, toward, or near a bicyclist, pedestrian, or a person riding a horse or driving an animal drawn vehicle; (f) Every person convicted of paragraph (e) of this Section shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor if the violation does not result in great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement to another. If the violation results in great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement to another, the person shall be guilty of a Class 3 felony.”