Public CCB Board Meetings held six times a year.CCB Membership Meetings/Events (including the annual membership meeting) held twice a year.CCB’s Community Leaders Meetings to discuss community-wide bicycle issues and opportunities held 2-3 times a year.
All posts by ccbeditor
CCB Annual Meeting 2020
CCB Annual Meeting
Sunday, December 6th, 2020 is our annual membership meeting. It will be from 3-5 pm via Zoom. Guest speakers will include Dave Simmons, the new Executive Director of Ride Illinois, and Ken McLeod, Policy Director for the League of American Bicyclists. The theme will be bicycle advocacy and what can be done locally, state-wide, and nationally. The Zoom meeting link will be emailed to the CCB mailing list.
Our annual business meeting will occur after the presentations.
Voting for Board Members requires membership.
Our bylaws specify that to be able to vote, members need to have paid their annual membership fee. If possible, please pay your dues online, or you can pay at our annual meeting. Absentee voting is permitted – see below. (Email with your vote.)
Join/Renew your CCB Membership here.
Board Candidate Introductions:
Absentee voting: If you will be absent, you may cast your vote for board members (provided you have renewed your annual CCB membership) by emailing your vote to prior to the Annual CCB Meeting by 2:30 pm on Sunday, Dec. 6th, 2020.
CCB Annual Meeting 2016
CCB Annual Meeting
Sunday, December 4th is our annual membership meeting. It will be from 7-9 pm at Leo Covis’s home. This will be a holiday dessert and drink potluck. Bring something to share. Bike racks will be available. Car parking is best down on Urbana St, then walk back to Leo. RSVP here to receive directions.
Our annual business meeting begins at 7:45pm.
Voting for Board Members requires membership.
Our bylaws specify that to be able to vote, members need to have paid their annual membership fee. If possible, please pay your dues online, or you can pay at our annual meeting. Absentee voting is permitted. (Email with your vote.) Note: By-laws may be modified at the annual meeting prior to the vote.
Join/Renew your CCB Membership.
Board Candidate Introductions – something new, but simple, as we will have a couple of candidates that are active local bikers, but maybe new to many of the steering committee members.
** to be posted soon.
Absentee voting. If you will be absent, you may cast your vote for board members (provided you have renewed your annual CCB membership) by emailing your vote to prior to the Annual CCB Meeting at 7 pm on Sunday, Dec. 4th, 2016.
CU-Bike Month 2015 Registration Page
CU-Bike Month has several events that you can register for.
CU Bike to Work Day – May 14, 2015 Register here!
CU Bike to School Day May 6th, 2015
Register in English here! Register in Spanish here! Register in French here!
CU Bike to Campus Day, May 6th! Register here!
CU Bike to Market Saturdays Every Saturday in May! Register here!
Oct. 7th 2015 U of I Campus Bicycle Census.
Volunteers are needed for Wednesday, Oct. 7, from 10-11 am to count bikes on campus. (We also could use a few people who could count bikes at 7am or about 7pm at FAR/PAR and the SixPack/Ikenberry Residence Halls. So that’s an option if 10-11am doesn’t work.) Volunteers will be going out in teams of 2-3, so recruit a friend to help you. Orientation will be needed as this year we are using volunteers’ smart phones with a GIS app installed to count bikes. Volunteers can register here.
Orientation will be held:
- Monday Oct. 5th from 10-10:45 am Grad Library room 314.
- Monday Oct. 5th from 5-5:45 pm Lincoln Hall Rm 2036 (use SW stairway).
- Tuesday Oct. 6th from 5-5-45pm Lincoln Hall Rm 2036 (use SW stairway).
- Wednesday morning at 8:30-9:30 am for GIS app troubleshooting. Illini Union south patio (outside).
- We will email you the details.
If you have an area of campus you are interested in counting, please note the Census Block number on the map below and indicate that preference on the registration form.
Light the Night 2014
Light the Night is Champaign-Urbana’s annual free bike light giveaway! Come to any of the following stations with your bicycle to get a pair of lights installed.
Thursday, September 11, 2014 from 4-7 pm
Alma Mater (SE corner of Green St. and Wright St.) Urbana, IL
Corner of Illinois St. and Lincoln Ave. (near the Hallene Gateway) Urbana, IL
LifeCykle Bike Shop, 79 E Beardsley Ave, Champaign, IL
One person, one bike, one free set of lights!
Kickapoo Rail Trail
The Champaign County Forest Preserve District (CCFPD) acquired the Kickapoo Rail Trail, a 24.5 mile retired railroad corridor that spans from the east side of Urbana to the Vermilion County Fairgrounds and Kickapoo State Park, in 2013. A multi-use recreational trail is planned for the rail corridor. CCFPD and the Forest Preserve Friends Foundation are currently working with their project partners, the Vermilion County Conservation District and the Champaign County Design and Conservation Foundation, to raise funding for the construction of the trail. Want to learn more? Visit the Kickapoo Rail Trail website at!
The River to Rail Ride, a fundraiser for the trail, is scheduled for Saturday, September 20, 2014. The $35 registration has 15, 32, and 67 mile route options and includes a pancake breakfast. You can learn more and register for the ride at the River to Rail Ride website or in the r2r brochure. Volunteers are also needed for the ride – if you are interested, please contact CCFPD Volunteer Coordinator Pat Simpson at 217-586-3360 or at
Thank you for your support of the Kickapoo Rail Trail!
Freedom Celebration July 4th Parade 2013
Greetings C-U bikers and walkers!
Champaign County Bikes (CCB) and C-U Safe Routes to School Project are co-sponsoring a special family friendly event taking place at 10:15 a.m. onThursday July 4th in the State Farm Center (formerly Assembly Hall) Parking Lot. Kids ages 5-14 can stop by with their parents/guardians to decorate their bike, or can bring a bike already decorated and enter to win the contest for ‘Best Decorated Bike!’ (Note: there will be more than one winner.J) Judging will occur at 10:45 a.m. Kids are also welcome to ride in the parade with CCB and SRTS if accompanied by a parent or adult.
The theme of this year’s Freedom Celebration Parade is United We Stand, Proudly We Serve. Cycling safety information and helmet fitting will also be available from 10:15 – 10:45 A.M.. More information about the event can be found online at
Hope to see you on the 4th!
Cynthia Hoyle – C-U Safe Routes to School Project
Jeff Yockey – Champaign County Bikes
Dinner and Bikes May 30th
The Dinner and Bikes Event
A Dinner and Bikes evening includes a gourmet, vegan and gluten-free buffet dinner prepared by Joshua Ploeg, a presentation about transportation equity and the everyday bicycling movement by Elly Blue, and a near-complete excerpt from Aftermass, Joe Biel’s forthcoming documentary about the history of bicycling in Portland. The event is followed by a book signing with all three presenters, and some time to peruse our traveling bicycle and cooking themed bookshop.
May 30 2013, University YMAC, 6:30-9:30pm $15/person. The number of dinner guests is capped at 70. You make a reservation automatically when you pay for your ticket.
The Dinner and Bikes Crew
Joshua Ploeg is the the traveling vegan chef. When not touring the world, he is a personal chef and delighter of secret cafe goers in Los Angeles. His adventure cookbook In Search of the Lost Taste is a smash hit, as is his controversial raw food cookbook, So Raw It’s Downright Filthy.
Joe Biel is the author of brand new book Beyond the Music. He founded Microcosm Publishing in his bedroom closet 17 years ago and now publishes nonfiction books, zines, and movies through Microcosm and Cantankerous Titles. In his “spare time” he makes documentaries on empowering topics from punk to bicycling. On this tour, he’ll be showing selections from Aftermass, a feature documentary about bicycle activism in Portland.
Elly Blue is the author of the newly released Everyday Bicycling: How to Ride a Bicycle for Transportation (Whatever your Lifestyle). She is the founder of Taking the Lane, a publisher of empowering books about unique aspects of cycling. Her writing has appeared in Grist, Bitch, BikePortland, Momentum, and the Portland Mercury, and her own blog. Her second book, Bikenomics, will come out in early 2014.
Aaron Cynic is an independent journalist and activist from Chicago. He writes regularly for Chicagoist and the Diatribe Media collective. His work has also appeared on Shareable, Truthout, Z Magazine and in numerous other publications and zines. When he isn’t documenting Dinner and Bikes through blogging, audio, video, and photos, he’ll be driving the van, managing our traveling bookstore, and smiling a lot.